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Casa G Firenze

"The word outlier means “a thing that is very different from others”, just like the places I like to find."

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Casa G Firenze

"Charming touches include the well-stocked honesty bar and a secret patio space surrounded by tropical plants."

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Casa G Firenze

"Casa G. blends the essence of Florentine’s craftsmanship with modern, essential design."

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Casa G Firenze

"Una vez que el cliente accede a las instalaciones de Casa G Firenze, se ve atrapado por su cuidado diseño contemporáneo y elegancia."

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Casa G Firenze

"If you are more of an urban soul, then Casa G is your perfect home away from home."

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Casa G Firenze

"Nelle 16 camere dominano simmetrie e tonalità alla Wes Anderson; antichi soffitti a cassettoni dipinti e pezzi di modernariato."

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Casa G Firenze

"Qui ogni dettaglio, dagli arredi alle finiture, è stato pensato e progettato ad hoc per creare uno spazio unico."

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Casa G Firenze

"The 15-room Casa G Firenze is a beautifully conceptualised escape in the centre of Florence that highlights the vibrancy of the region’s artisanal heritage."

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Casa G Firenze

"The city’s most elegant bed-and-breakfast."

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